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Indus Institute of
Sciences Humanities
& Liberal Studies (IISHLS)

The Indus Institute of Sciences, Humanities and Liberal Studies (IISHLS) is one of the core centres at the Indus University.

The Indus Institute of Sciences, Humanities and Liberal Studies (IISHLS) is one of the core centers at the Indus University that strives to provide core knowledge of sciences and the English language. This institute covers six significant departments: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Life Sciences and Languages.

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What is the scope of B.Sc. Chemistry?

Department of Life Science

Department of Science and Humanities

The departments are developed to improve the capacity to think logically, apply scientific ideas to solve real-life problems and appreciate basic science subjects. The departments are delivering graduate, postgraduate and Ph.D programmes. These programmes are created to cater to the requirements of the trending times so that students are trained to become professionals in the core sciences and areas like pharmaceutical science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and English language teaching. These departments also offer and teach efficiently suitable subjects in the engineering, management and aviation disciplines.

The departments at IISHLS are furnished with well-qualified and committed individuals, which scaffold the continuous innovations across the university. Innovation and a keen eye for details describe these departments' workings, having its presence in all other programmes at Indus. The departments possess state-of-the-art computer, physics and chemistry laboratories to keep the theoretical aspects of the subjects and impart practical knowledge of the same. It also has a language laboratory to enhance English and communication skills.

Finally, all the faculty members continuously upgrade their subject domains by presenting and publishing papers in national and international conferences/journals. This allows them to stay updated with the current developments of the field and efficiently obtain these developments into the classrooms for the enlargement of the subject/s.



Department Activities

Telescope Launch Event and Astronomy Workshop

On October 22, 2024, IISHLS organized a highly successful Telescope Launch Event, drawing over 100 enthusiastic students and faculty members. The highlight of the event was an engaging talk by Prof. Brijmohan Thakore titled Backyard Astronomy: Observing the Cosmic Landscape. In his insightful presentation, Prof. Thakore introduced participants to the art of backyard astrophotography, demonstrating how simple observations can lead to meaningful scientific projects, such as calculating the Moon’s size or analyzing the spectrum of Polaris. Following the talk, an interactive workshop covered the history, types, and mounts of telescopes, along with the optical phenomena that bring celestial objects into view through the telescope’s eyepiece, enriching participants' understanding of observational astronomy.

Industrial Visit

On Friday, October 18, 2024, the Department of Chemistry-IISHLS organized a visit to the Search Toxicology Laboratory, Public Health Laboratory, and Forensic Science Laboratory in Ahmedabad for 25 B.Sc. and M.Sc. chemistry students. The students gained hands-on experience with advanced instruments like HPLC, GC, AAS, UPLC, FTIR, and centrifugation equipment, as well as DNA sequencing and extraction. This visit provided valuable insights into food, drug, pesticide, and biological sample analysis, showcasing the latest advancements in analytical technology.

Social Outreach Activity: Students of BA English and Liberal Studies Visited Visamo Kids Foundation

The Department of Health Science, IISHLS, conducted an industrial visit to Amul Dairy in Anand, Gujarat, on August 09, 2024, for students from Clinical Research, Microbiology, BA English, and Psychology programs. This visit offered students a valuable opportunity to explore the food industry, focusing on providing a comprehensive understanding of the latest developments and technologies in milk collection, processing, preservation, packaging, distribution, and the manufacturing of over 50 milk products.